Saturday, August 30, 2014

Ship Happens! >:]

      How Did I Come to Have
  So Many Ships?
 Ship Happens

 Hello Lovelies!!
Hows Life?!  *randomly starts clapping* "And It Is Time*clap* For Another*clap* Q*clap* and  Slay*clap*!"    :D  I've Been Doing That All Evening And Its All Because Of The Amazing Tyler Oakley! Love Him A Bunch! :D
   Oh And I Suggest Going And Listening To Troye Sivan's Song 'Happy Little Pill' Because It Is Amazing! I Love Both Of Them Very Much, They Are Amazing.  LOL #troyler :D   I'm Using Amazing A Lot Tonight. Derp.
    So Picture Time! This Drawing Is Actually My English Homework XD But I Really Really Like It! ^-^

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D
  Derp  I'm So Like Over Homework.......I'm  Just Like  'Homework.. I Don't Want To Talk To You Sooooo "Shut Up! Don't Talk To Me!" Ya'

Am I Rambling? I'm Rambling Aren't I. I DON"T KNOW WHAT TO SAY NOW!!!!!!!! Gah..
 These Are Short Aren't They? Like There Tiny!  Why You Be So Tiny And Short?!?!

My Boyfriend Is Talking About Parkour...............BODIL40!! BOOOODDDDIIIIILLLLL40!!! DERP!

*curls up in a ball covered in blankets holding Troyler fanfiction and starts whining* What Is Life?? Like What Is It Really?  Wait! What If The "Real" World Is Really The "Fictional" World And The "Real" World Is Really The "Fictional" World!!! O_O

What I'm I Doing With This..?
Well I Believe That This Is The End For This Post.

I Will See You Tomorrow Lovelies!
 Jenna OUT!!

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, Wattpad, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Wattpad: SpitFyreThePikachu

Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Friday, August 29, 2014

This Just Got Personal

Hello lovelies! 
It's been a little while hasn't it? Sorry about that, I started school last week. 
But how has your day been? Mines been pretty good, I had auditions for the school production today and it was really fun. We're doing 'White Christmas'!! Yay! ^o^  
I still haven't started making the TARDIS dress yet 0-0 that's not good. It's gotta be done in time for Halloween!! Gah...

Oh I started watch Tyler Oakley today! AHH I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! XD

People at school have started to call me Rainbow Dash.... O_O I have this rainbow scarf that I've been wearing plus my hair being three different colors. Yay. :33

So. Can we get a little serious real quick?
   Like personal...ya..
    Well I'm thinking I may be bi..but to be honest I don't know if it's just me/my mind wanting to be bi or like if I really's kinda weird...not the being bi thing just the is it just me WANTING to be bi.......... Yeah......why am I talking about this on here.... It's not like anyone is going to even comment. =_= 
   Ya I think I'm going to go try to watch more of Tyler Oakley...Idk. My internet is being temperamental...*sad face* this post got like..real personal and crap..real fast.............

Well good night lovelies ^-^
Have a good day or night!

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, Wattpad, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Wattpad: SpitFyreThePikachu
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Monday, August 18, 2014

Random Monday! YouTube Channel?

I go back to school on Thursday 0-0

Guys! I like, did the art! Hehe
TARDIS dress sketch :3
Doodles :3
I really like this one ^_^
Dragon girl 
Another dragon girl :)
And this is Breella (like Bree and Ella together) she is ten years old. ^_^

So ya I didz the art stuff over the course of the time I was grounded x3

How do you like 'em?

So ya. School O-O but I am looking forward to Drama ^_^  I still need to figure out an audition song O_o whoops

Well I'll figure it out. So ya. ^_^

Oh I might start a YouTube channel. :3 
I'm thinking of SpitFyreGaming as the name but idk  do you guys have any suggestions?? It's going to be mostly minecraft stuff. Possibly some drawing stuff. Idk. So if you have any suggestions for channel names I would love to hear them. ^_^
Okay love you guys!
Good night! 

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, Wattpad, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Wattpad: SpitFyreThePikachu
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I'M BACK BI-... Whoops...Shouldn't say that....O_O

Look Who It Is! I'm back after about a month!! yay :D Okay lets get to the point, I'm sorry I've been gone for so long .-. I was grounded and I just got free. :33 my month has been interesting....but also not interesting at all. ._. ya..but I did start rereading Harry Potter and I'm reading Goblet of Fire at the moment. :)  But I'm also reading a bunch of Harry Potter Fanfics dealing with a certain pairing *internal squeal**cough cough* so I keep getting a bit off track of the main story line.....   .-. and do not ask what the pairing is... if you don't want to risk possible(there is a very low possibility of that happening.) mental scaring then don't ask....ya... ._. I'm getting off topic aren't I? I was talking about reading Harry Potter.. OH! I'm also reading Homestuck! Well more of continuing to read Homestuck. :3 I just finished Act 5! :D yay Homestuck is so confusing...but its amazing.
OKAY NEW TOPIC!!!!! H3H3H3H3H3!! >:D
I got to see Guardians of the Galaxy and it was only the BEST MOVIE EVER!!! XD But really it WAS really really good. :)
I've been listening to songs by Broadway Karkat a lot the past day or two. :D Amazing I tell you! AMAZING!  Look. Them. Up! well mostly if you like Homestuck .-. ya....


Okay okay I need to calm down...........KEEP CALM and JAZZ HANDS! XD

okay I'm running out of things to say....why is my mind blank!!??!?

OH I FORGOT! My hair is multicolored now :D
My bangs are purple, the left side is blue, and the right side is red! YAY!

I have yet to start on the TARDIS dress yet... ;-; I need to do that....

well every one I have things that I need to get to so
I will see you all later!
Skittles..That's what you are.. Unless you want me to call you guys something else. :33

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, Wattpad, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Wattpad: SpitFyreThePikachu

Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC