How's it going my peeps! *shivers* I shouldn't have said that..nope..never saying that again.
I'm so happy! My internet best friend from like 2 years ago popped back up again like earlier this week! I'M SO SO SO SOOOOOO HAPPY!! SHE IS AMAZING!! ALL THE EMO TRINITY!!!!!! *coughs* Okay that's enough shouting for now. But it's been great being able to talk to her again and we like almost all the same stuff! Though I need to ask her about her shipping preferences..or just about shipping... MOVING ON!
I came across the Smosh Babies animations today...*flails around* THEY ARE GREAT!!
I wuv dem...
Oh Oh OooooH! My friend (the one I mentioned) sent me a Markilpier thingy just a couple minutes ago so I'm gonna share it with you! XD
"How does Mark keep track of his pliers?
He Mark-his-pliers."
XD Don't ask why I find that so funny... You wont get an answer..
Uhg...I'm spacing on things to say..
well..I did have a really really weird dream last night...that I can't really describe but.. what ever
I'm gonna go now! Have a good day or night!
I will see you all next time!!
Jenna OUT!
When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreTheKilljoy
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twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
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