Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hello Again...

Hi there...
I know, I know, I haven't been around since.. well since May..of last year... In all honesty I've kinda forgotten about this little pocket of the internet. Sorry for ignoring it. 

Updates will be few and far between from this point forward, so don't be surprised if I don't update till the fall or even 2017... yeah, just fair warning.

I think today is prolly gonna be shortish, and more of a just gotta get it out thing, so here we go. 

I've been sticking myself back into a not good habit of neglecting my homework. It hit me hard last semester and I was so far behind and stressed that I had gotten to a point of not caring at all about what happened. This semester I started out alright, staying caught up for the first couple weeks, but now I'm slipping back into that black poisonous hell pit.
I'm a mess, I'm really freaking tired of life, and I don't know what to do... It's just perfect ain't it?

Night guys.

Jenna, out~