But anyways! I watched the second episode in season 8 of Doctor Who today and wow. Very very interesting. :) I can't wait till next weeks episode!
Tomorrow I must go back to school once again... NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!! Well I get to see my awesome friends so it isn't that bad. ^-^
There is to many things I really need to do. O_O so much..so vary much....Why can't I think of things to say........You know if you people comment and stuff like to ask me stuff or say hi and what not I would have more to say...And I know people read this! >:[
GAH!!!!!!!!!! 9-9 so tired....And I really don't want to read this relatively long pesterlog in Homestuck.. .-. All the Homestuck...All of it! hehehehhe!!
okay well I don't really have anything else to say tonight..
Goodnight And See You Tomorrow Lovelies!
Jenna OUT!!!
When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
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