Saturday, May 31, 2014


You wanna know what I did today??
FIRST HAVE THIS PICTURE FROM FANDOMSTUCK!! These are two personified FANDOMS!! The're idiots, but I love them. ^_^  [weird pic right?  I find it kinda funny]
Ya it's amazing! I will tell you which two Fandoms these two are at the end of this post! [I will also say random things as hints as to who they are through out this post]
Continuing on! You want to know what I did today you say? [hehehe that rhymed] I did absolutely NOTHING! I watched YouTube, played minecraft and freaked out about Fandomstuck. LOOK IT UP!! 
That is what I did. That is all. Truly everything I did today. I also watched a bit of Soul Eater. I ACOMPLISHED NOTHING!! YAY!! Time to consult the great..uh...Uhm.. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!! I NEED A DOCTOR!! *yelling in the background* My boyfriend Trevor just said that I never know what I'm doing... THAT IS TRUE!! *nods* so.. Should I tell you who those two are? Or should I wait till tomorrow... And see if any of you have gotten it.. *looks down* not that anyone ever comments on here anyways.... ;-;  *starts crying* Why noooott did I do something wrong!?? 

*sniffs* fine what ever... 
Fezzes are cool. Deffinetly! 

*shoots the smiley face on the wall a couple times* :D


Okay well I'm gonna go. I'll tell ya'll who they are tomorrow!
Till then you pretty skittles!!

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

Friday, May 30, 2014

I'm awful...

I'm sorry guys... I'm awful. I havn't posted anything in like a week when I should have. -_- well I should go ahead with the update then. 
Well I've been watching Fairy Tail, I finished Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (ITS OVER!! *has a break down*), and I also started watching Soul Eater. 
Here have a symmetry obsessed boy named Death the Kid. X3

Ya moving on.
Fairy Tail is amazing! Soul Eater is amazing! EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!~
EVERYTHING IS COOL- *cough cough* Sorry bout that random Lego movie out burst. :3
So guys. I havn't had a single comment from anyone.. ;-; You guys can talk to me, I won't bite. .-. Truly. 

School is out! For me anyways :3  
I need people to talk to!!! *looks at friends* I know a couple of you read this! <_<  OwO  >_>  

*cough* anyways moving away from that topic.
*looks up at the random picture* How did that get there? Hmm
What ever.
So guys I was thinking you can ask me questions to get to know me!! Ya? You guys up for it?? If so FIRE AWAY!!


Okay well I think that's it for today :3
See ya'll wonderfull skittles tomorrow!

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Yesterday's Post

I did it again.. -_- I didn't post yesterday and I had so much new info! Well then let's fill you in! Well I went to Hot Topic yesterday and got a TARDIS dress, A BAD WOLF beanie, a TARDIS necklace, a Doctor Who IPhone case, and a Doctor Who poster. Oh! And a pair of minecraft sunglasses. ^-^ ITS FANTASTIC!! Well that was yesterday's post so. I'll be posting today's post later. 
Later colorful skittles!


When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~Jenna

Sunday, May 18, 2014

I'm Sorry!

I'm sorry guys! I didn't post anything on Friday or Saturday!! GAH!! That's not good... -_-  well here's an update then! Okay well on Friday I went to Hot Topic for the first time!! ^o^ SWEET TARDIS OF GALLIFREY IT WAS MAGICAL!! I'm going on a small shopping spree tomorrow hehehe
Well that's it for now.. Small post I know I know but you'll see me tomorrow! So I'm gonna go watch Fullmetal Alchemist for a little while. Have a good my you colorful skittles!


When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~Jenna

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Two down, One to go


Finals Have Begun

The finals have begun O_o  I have Science first... 116 questions.. *shivers*. Then Geometry! That one isn't bad ^-^
Then I have English on Tuesday! Woohoo
Half day today!!

Well I have to go now you little colorful skittles. I got to study :3


When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~Jenna

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mid Week Hello!

Today is Wednesday! yaaaaa! ~(^-^)~  TILDA PARTY! Let me ask you this what is the tilda key on the key board? Can you answer me that?? I shall be expecting comments with your answers!!! Cause I know your reading this.. hehehe *creepy laugh* I watch you while you sleep.. hehe *cough cough* MOOOVING OOOOOOooooOOOoNNN!!! why don't you lovely people ever comment or talk to me *sulks over to the emo corner* get out Tamaki *chucks Tamaki out and sulks in the coner* forever alone.... 
*my friend Jackie comes in and places this down and leaves*
True dat true dat...Think of poor little ed... *finally gets up* Okay where were we? I don't even know any more.. Oh well. I think I shall rap this up.
I will see ya'll colorful skittles tomorrow!! *shudders* uhg finals...


When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~Jenna

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday: A Slightly Better Day Than Monday

So today went well ^-^
 We were studying for finals to day in Geometry and Earth Science and had a class party in English :3
AaaaaAAAannnd I STILL have to finish my computer literacy..before Thursday. Great. *Sarcasm Intensifies* well I have nothing to say..OH! my friend Spencer wanted me to tell you guys about the TV Show.

The show is called 'The What Ever You Call This Show' ya awesome name right? ya I know. We have a website its still under construction though :3 so is the youtube channel BUT they are being built as we speak! Right Spencer? *sticks head around the door frame and asks him about the website* *all you can hear is something about needing pictures and other info* *comes back* Well it will be up and done as soon as it can be! ^-^
Here's the youtube even though it is also still under construction! The name is 'The Inside Joke Foundation' Here's the link!!  *Spencer yells something about there being no link yet* Oh..well there is no link yet since we have no videos up yet...THEY"LL BE UP SOOON!!!

well I have to go to bed so..
  Good Night Ya'll Colorful Skittles!!


When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow! ~Jenna  

Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday Is Upon Us

Great, its Monday  Woohoo..*sarcasm intensifies* I still have to catch up on my computer literacy...that I'm very far behind on...and I have like four days to complete it.... then finals...great just great.
well my day started out pretty good, I got to watch the second episode of Attack on Titan in English.. not quite sure as to how I feel about it yet..its kinda weird since I'm so used to their voices in Japanese. :3

I think I found one of my favorite pictures ever!
 Its perfect I kid you not!
yup well ya
that all I have to say for now

Later my colorful little skittles!


When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow! ~Jenna

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday Night :3

Hey guys how's your night/morning/day/what-ever-time-it-is-were-you-are? :3 Mines been pretty good. Was working on my computer class earlier, then watched some Fullmetal Alchemist, and then a bit of doodling. :3  Watched Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters a lil bit ago. That movie was awesome ^-^
Ya. Hmmm what else could I share....
*shrugs* I don't know.. Oh well
Anyways I'm thinking that I'll been trying to post a lil somthin every day ^-^ 

Okay well I'll see ya'll colorful little skittles later. 


When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow ~Jenna

Saturday, May 10, 2014


So it seems that I have found the blogasphere. :3 Hehehe.. Well anyways HELLO BLOGOSPHERE! and internet. :3  Hows life? Mines pretty good, me and a couple friends shot a couple promo videos on Thursday for the TV show. It was a lot of fun. ^-^ Finals are coming very fast -_- a little to fast for my liking.
*awww yeaaah face* Awwwwwww Yeaeaaaaah!! Attack on Titan reference for the win!!

ya like none of my friends will get this except for one... -_- that is very sad...

*singing That Day by NateWantsToBattle*

moving on!

So..I'm not really sure what else to
Stay Amazing You Colorful Skittlez!

When Life Gives You Skittlez, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow! ~Jenna