Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mid Week Hello!

Today is Wednesday! yaaaaa! ~(^-^)~  TILDA PARTY! Let me ask you this what is the tilda key on the key board? Can you answer me that?? I shall be expecting comments with your answers!!! Cause I know your reading this.. hehehe *creepy laugh* I watch you while you sleep.. hehe *cough cough* MOOOVING OOOOOOooooOOOoNNN!!! why don't you lovely people ever comment or talk to me *sulks over to the emo corner* get out Tamaki *chucks Tamaki out and sulks in the coner* forever alone.... 
*my friend Jackie comes in and places this down and leaves*
True dat true dat...Think of poor little ed... *finally gets up* Okay where were we? I don't even know any more.. Oh well. I think I shall rap this up.
I will see ya'll colorful skittles tomorrow!! *shudders* uhg finals...


When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~Jenna

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