Saturday, May 31, 2014


You wanna know what I did today??
FIRST HAVE THIS PICTURE FROM FANDOMSTUCK!! These are two personified FANDOMS!! The're idiots, but I love them. ^_^  [weird pic right?  I find it kinda funny]
Ya it's amazing! I will tell you which two Fandoms these two are at the end of this post! [I will also say random things as hints as to who they are through out this post]
Continuing on! You want to know what I did today you say? [hehehe that rhymed] I did absolutely NOTHING! I watched YouTube, played minecraft and freaked out about Fandomstuck. LOOK IT UP!! 
That is what I did. That is all. Truly everything I did today. I also watched a bit of Soul Eater. I ACOMPLISHED NOTHING!! YAY!! Time to consult the great..uh...Uhm.. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!! I NEED A DOCTOR!! *yelling in the background* My boyfriend Trevor just said that I never know what I'm doing... THAT IS TRUE!! *nods* so.. Should I tell you who those two are? Or should I wait till tomorrow... And see if any of you have gotten it.. *looks down* not that anyone ever comments on here anyways.... ;-;  *starts crying* Why noooott did I do something wrong!?? 

*sniffs* fine what ever... 
Fezzes are cool. Deffinetly! 

*shoots the smiley face on the wall a couple times* :D


Okay well I'm gonna go. I'll tell ya'll who they are tomorrow!
Till then you pretty skittles!!

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna


  1. It's Dr. Who and Sherlock. Right? :3

    1. you are Correct!! yay! here have a cookie and a fez!
