Sie sind das Essen und Wir sind die Jäger!
*someone coughs* oh.. Hehe sorry bout that... I'm watching Attack On Titan :3
*yells at the TV* GET HIM EREN GET THAT STUPID COLOSSAL TITAN!! GEEEETTTT ITTTTT!! Nvm it's gone now.. YAY! Erens gonna get his leg bit off!! Woohoo!! Then he's gonna get eaten AND get his arm bit off two!! BUT HE'LL BE FIIIIINNNNNNE!! Hehehehe hehehehe Titan Eren.... Aw Yeah..
Okay. I'm done with my Attack on Titan rant for now!
So how's it goin guys?
My days has been spent reading Homestuck!
ACT 5 ACT 1/2 IS CONFUSING AS HECK!! GAH!! What ever it's clearing up a bit though :33
So moving on! I have a feeling that there will be at least on picture in each post... :3
So ya
Okay I have nothing to talk about now...
OMG EREN SAID SoB!! OMG OMG OMG!! HAHAHAHHAHA yes the Colossal Titan has inteligence Eren. Gosh! hehehehe here have like one of the cutest pictures ever!
And Bye The Way! These Pictures Are Not Mine Unless I Say They Are! I OWN NOTHING!! WEEEEEEE!! Just To Let You Know!
Okay like really I'm gonna go finish like episode 4 or 5 of Attack on Titan now.
When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna
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