Monday, June 16, 2014

I Have A Question! Oh & There May Be Some Rants Involved.

Hello lovely people of the interwebs!!!  
First off I have a question. If I started making minecraft videos, or just random videos, would you watch them?? Like I really want to know. Would you want to watch me play minecraft??

Okay first on the list done! 

Second! .-. [May be a bit of a rant. Sorry]
This one is a tricky one..(remember this is kinda my online journal..that everyone can see 0_0 I didn't think this through did I?) well some one in my life was kinda getting on my nerves today..I need to talk to cause things seem to be kinda going up and down at the moment and I don't know what to might have somthing to do with the complicated things that happened on Friday..I'm not sure. ._. 
But it's not the complications fault [I'm using 'the complication' in place of a certain persons name bc I don't what the someone to know even though they don't really read this at all] because I was already having some problems with the someone more or less, so ya..
*takes a deep breath* I think I'm done with my rant....

My life is crazy at the moment ;-; music would help but I don't have enough of the right type of music help me feel better..... {AoK can I have a hug? ;-;}

I want to add a picture but I don't know what I would use.. ;-; I really want to use certain pictures but at least several of of my friends would be like 'Da Heck!? Ew!' Trust me you would.. *glares at said friends* it's beautiful I don't understand how you could hate on it...well here's this I guess..
Ya I'm not really in a 'lol' mood at the moment, I'm in a more of 'Awwww my OTP just kissed!' Kinda mood...but like several of my friends *whispers especially my ex* would probably hate most of my OTP's because of who they are...*glares at said friends again* 
Okay nope can't deal with it gotta add this one!!
As possibly this one because ITS CANON!! I. Regret. Nothing. 
I Regret Nothing!! Torchwood is amazing and IDK AT YOU SAY SPENCER!! IT. IS. MAGICAL!!
 *cries* Ianto!!! Why did you have to die!!! *continues to cry and mutter somthing and Jack and Ianto*

Okay I'm done sorry..

Well I'm done for tonight. ;-;
I will see you skittles tomorrow.

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

I Regret Northing...

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

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