Thursday, June 26, 2014


Hello everyone! *waves* how's it goin?
    Okay update for yesterday is that everything is good with my boyfriend and my dear friend so that's great! ^-^ I'm happy about that. 

Also I'm having more and more ideas for my TARDIS dress! :D but I'm not sure if I should go into much detail. I will say that it has somthing to do with the exploding TARDIS.. O_o yup

!!!! Some one rewrote the Harry Potter books! But with Harry in Slytherin instead!! :D ITS AMAZING!!! I really really love it!

And since we're talking about Harry Potter, have this lovely little picture!


Okay I think that concludes this post .-.
These seem to be really Levi...

Yeah..I just made a Attack on Titan hight joke...yup. Enjoy that..

Well I should get some sleep! Love you skittles!! *waves*

*attacks Netflix*
Aaaand helloooooo anime!!

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, Wattpad, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Wattpad: SpitFyreThePikachu
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