Heeeeeeelloooooo People of the Internet!! *waves* I love you all!! *thows skittles up in the air* Since there is now a rainbow here I shall get down to business. *places hands on the table and stands up from my chair* I would think that you're all wondering why I have called you here tonight , but as I am also trying to figure that out we shall discover together! Yay! *opens a folder and scans over the page inside* Ah I see, okay. *straightens bow tie* This little blog of mine is kinda like an internet journal that everyone can see.. I would like to know what you think about that. What is your opinion of this blog thingamajigy? I honestly would love to know what you think about my blog! I don't even care if you rate it from somethin to another thing! I don't care really. *shrugs*
[Important Announcement!]
The Admin of This Page Would Like to Now Engage a Dance Party.
{Party Mode Activate}
Please No Alcohol, We Dont Want A Repeat of What Happened Last Time.
That Is All,Continue As You Please.
[Dance Party Shall Remain Till the End of Post]
WOooHoooo!! *dances around* okay okay! *steps out side* Let's finish so we can get back to the PARTAAAYYY!! So journal time.. Well nothing much but it. Is. HOT! GAH I'm melting.. I watched The Emperors New Groove this evening, haven't seen that movie in ages! I love it!
That's about it really.. So ya I'll see ya guys tomorrow! Or back in the party but who knows!
Later Skittles!!
Now BACK TO THE PARTAAYY!! *runs back inside*
[Dance Party Still in Session]
{All Night Party Mode Activate}
<I do NOT own those pictures. I found them on the internet! They belong to their rightful owners! Not me! Okay bye <3 >
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