Sunday, June 8, 2014


Hey guys! Hows it hangin?
I'm sorry I didn't post anything Friday or saterday.. I'm bad... Well at least it wasn't a whole week like last time. Well here's the update for Friday and Saturday before I go into today's update

Friday: So a couple of friends and I had our little end of the school year party which was hella fun! :D There was a lot of yelling, a couple speaker calls to my boyfriend, and craziness. Oh and midnight made cupcakes! :D

Saturday: well i actually woke up 2:00 p.m. crying.. ya i woke up crying cause i was crying in my dream, i don't know why I was but I was. That out of the way. I watched some SAO [Sword Art Online] which is really cool, messed around on instagram for a bit, and watched some Supernatural. >:] 

Okay that's about it for the past two days. ON TO TODAY!! There isn't much though.... Nuuuuu so have a picture!
Doctor Who!! OoOooooooEeeeeOooOooooooo!!

Oh I'm thinking about making a TARDIS ball gown :3 it's gonna be fantastic!

Well I'm done so I WILL see you skittles tomorrow!!

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!! ~Jenna

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