How was everyone's day? Like I'm genuinely curious, like legit. I use 'like legit' to much.. I think anyways.. :3 moving on! Aaaaand I just lost my train of thought, that's just great. *Screams* I CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT!! GAAAHH!! *continues to scream and starts running around in circles* I HAD WHAT I WAS GONNA SAY BUT IT GOT UP AND IT DANCED AWAY!! [Along with my sanity] *runs into a wall* OW! Gahaha... *starts laughing with a hint of crazy* hehehehehehe... 3V3RY TH1NG 1S SP1N1NG!! H3H3H3H3H3H3H3H3H3H3!!! SO HOWS 1T H4NG1N?
*stops the crazy giggling* I should get back on topic. That topic would be what happened today for me, even though it wasn't much :3
So I actually woke up at like 11:00 so half the day GONE! Yippie! But I just got confused[read] Homestuck for several hours :33 YAY! Woohoo that was awesome. I also played a bit of minecraft.
My day was not much as always.
But anyways, moving on to the next topic at hand!
What would you guys like to see on here? Like possibly days to chat about stuff [Ex: Life, the new movie that's gonna be coming out, or like ideas about Halloween costumes {around that time}(or cosplay in general). Whatever you want!] or I don't know, whatever! Hang out.
It would be amazing to interact with the amazing wonderful people that are behind the keyboard! I love you guys ^_^
(Ya know like best family :3)
You're my friends! You are my big wonderful internet family! :D
Okay well I have to go to bed now :/
Love you guys!
See ya tomorrow you lovely amazing rainbow people! *waves*
When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow! ~Jenna
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