Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday: A Slightly Better Day Than Monday

So today went well ^-^
 We were studying for finals to day in Geometry and Earth Science and had a class party in English :3
AaaaaAAAannnd I STILL have to finish my computer literacy..before Thursday. Great. *Sarcasm Intensifies* well I have nothing to say..OH! my friend Spencer wanted me to tell you guys about the TV Show.

The show is called 'The What Ever You Call This Show' ya awesome name right? ya I know. We have a website its still under construction though :3 so is the youtube channel BUT they are being built as we speak! Right Spencer? *sticks head around the door frame and asks him about the website* *all you can hear is something about needing pictures and other info* *comes back* Well it will be up and done as soon as it can be! ^-^
Here's the youtube even though it is also still under construction! The name is 'The Inside Joke Foundation' Here's the link!!  *Spencer yells something about there being no link yet* Oh..well there is no link yet since we have no videos up yet...THEY"LL BE UP SOOON!!!

well I have to go to bed so..
  Good Night Ya'll Colorful Skittles!!


When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow! ~Jenna  

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