Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday..Monday? MONDAYYYY!!!!


Okay okay! So I finished Blue Exorcist this evening and now I'm watching Death Note! 
For one! Blue Exorcist! Gah! GAAAHH!! I CAN'T WITH THAT SHOW!! And for some reason whenever I saw Rin's tail I was just like 'TAIL!', I don't know why XD 
Ya for some reason I just kinda squeal when ever I see Rins tail. .-. Ya idk just ya. Then with his ears! Just don't get me started with Rin in gereral!!! GAH!! CAN'T!! Just nu...I like freaked out with Yukio's ears so..idk I just can't!!

*takes a deep breathe* okay okay I'm done with that.

I'm watching Death Note now ^_^
Hehehehehehe hehehehe

Okay okay

I actually think that's it really. Well I cleaned up my room some today. Ya.

So I'll see ya guys tomorrow!!


*goes back to watching Death Note*

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, Wattpad, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Wattpad: SpitFyreThePikachu
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sunday Quick Post

Okay guys this one will probably be really short because I'm really tired...

So today I hung out with a couple friends today. :D and we watched How To Train Your Dragon 2! To be honest it was as good as the first time! :D I love that movie so much.
Then we went swimming :) 

After I got home I got on the server I'm helping with and finished up most of it. But one of the gates were off set by a block so I had to fix that O.O

So that's about it really. I'm gonna go get some sleep. Ya.. *yawns*

Goodnight skittles.

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, Wattpad, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Wattpad: SpitFyreThePikachu
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Saturday, June 28, 2014


Today. Was. Awesome! :D Yus! 
   So today I started out watching CaptainSparklez's Ultra Modded Survival, then I was checking out the OreSpawn mod to see if I could install it with out all the winrar stuff and low and behold! I could! And so I did! :D I messes around with that a bit, then went back to watching CaptainSparklez. And a couple episodes later I wanted to see if I could do the same thing with Biomes O Plenty and that worked to! :D I also got Not Enough Items and it's add on Waila [What Am I Looking At] and that was awesome! :D happy happy!

Okay time skip to after I've eaten dinner, my super special awesome* friend was saying stuff about stuff and a server and a couple friends yada yada and he said that they were building spawn and so I asked if I could help. He said yes :D so I was helping build spawn for a couple hours. XD YAY!! 

So that brings us to here! Yay ^-^

We'll let me's a picture for the day!!

*takes a deep breathe* Okay I'm okay

Well I think that's it for today. I will see you all later skittles!
Good night!

*Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series reference 

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, Wattpad, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Wattpad: SpitFyreThePikachu
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday O.o

Its Fridaaaay!! Yay! :D

Well I had a surprise visit from my friends today. :D that was awesome. 

I bleached a strip or two of hair in my fringe this evening and I really love it ^-^

Watching Doctor Who at the moment. :)

I don't really have much to say to be honest .-.
Ya more Harry Potter stuff :D
  Woohoo I'm on the second book of the rewritten Slytherin!Harry AU. XD it's amazing really!!

So well I think that's it for tonight...ya
Derp •_•

So... Ya good night skittles!! 

*jumps at the TV screen*

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, Wattpad, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Wattpad: SpitFyreThePikachu
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Hello everyone! *waves* how's it goin?
    Okay update for yesterday is that everything is good with my boyfriend and my dear friend so that's great! ^-^ I'm happy about that. 

Also I'm having more and more ideas for my TARDIS dress! :D but I'm not sure if I should go into much detail. I will say that it has somthing to do with the exploding TARDIS.. O_o yup

!!!! Some one rewrote the Harry Potter books! But with Harry in Slytherin instead!! :D ITS AMAZING!!! I really really love it!

And since we're talking about Harry Potter, have this lovely little picture!


Okay I think that concludes this post .-.
These seem to be really Levi...

Yeah..I just made a Attack on Titan hight joke...yup. Enjoy that..

Well I should get some sleep! Love you skittles!! *waves*

*attacks Netflix*
Aaaand helloooooo anime!!

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, Wattpad, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Wattpad: SpitFyreThePikachu
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Okay this is probably just going to be a huge rant...just a heads up.

Well bad things happened today...and I might lose a really awesome persons friendship(this person is kinda close to me) because my boyfriend <_< said things that I do NOT want out I'm kinda*coughreallycough* mad at I'm not sure how I feel about him at the moment. .-.

Well I think things are okay with my friend now.. Ish...  ;-; I don't know... 

I'm not sure how things will go with my boyfriend...
I think I won't be talking to him for a couple days... I'm mad...
I need to get past being really mad with him before I will talk with him

I don't know how to feel at the moment.. I don't know what to do....I guess the only thing to do is go to sleep right? Ya get some sleep and think about stuff tomorrow

Good night skittles...


When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, Wattpad, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Wattpad: SpitFyreThePikachu
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Today is Tuesday Right, But Yesterday Was Tuesday Too!

Hello hello!! 
*Heat if the Moment playing in the back ground* O_o
How's everything goin! 
Things are doing good here. 
BUT FIRST!! Before I go onto other things! I'm really wanting to make this really cool and detailed TARDIS dress for a dance thing that's in like December I think, but I'm thinking about if I do get it done and if I can, I really want to go to next years Sac ComiCon and possibly enter the costume contest. :3  :D  I think it would be really fun! I'm gonna go to the the comicon anyways but why not try while I'm there right? :D
I really need to start on the dress.. :3

Moving on from that

Did some stuff today. :3 lol and by stuff I mean play piano, talk to my friend [ya ya AoK], player a bit of minecraft, and watched some CaptainSparklez. Ya

Cute ^_^

Oh and just a reminder! The pictures I use here belong to their rightful owners!!

I really think that's all for tonight unless you want to listen to me rant about my TARDIS dress that I will be making..
     That could happen tomorrow..if ya wanna hear about the dress..
So good night lovely skittles! I'm gonna go on an adventure now! *waves and runs inside the TARDIS*



When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, Wattpad, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Wattpad: SpitFyreThePikachu
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday. Monday. MONDAY!!!

So the reason why I didn't post yesterday is because I had a headache and really has to sleep. So here is what happened! 

I went on a hike with a couple friends, it was really fun! Then I went home with said friends and hung out for a little. Swam a littl bit, fried some paste, and messed around with minecraft. Yay

That was yesterday. 

Today I woke up around 1...ya then I just kind played minecraft for like the rest of the day. .-.  

I'm tired..ya

There's not much to say now..
So have a really cool toothless picture

Okay love you all!!
Bai skittles!

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, Wattpad, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Wattpad: SpitFyreThePikachu
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Got to be Quick!

Okay okay I got to be really quit! My internet could go out at any minute!

So I watched How To Train Your Dragon 2 today and it was only THE BEST EVER!! I love it soooo much it's my favorite movie at the moment! It is so good! Ayyayayaya

Messes around on that one minecraft server. Hehehe [AoK] it was interesting aaaaaand now I think my boyfriend is mad at me. .-. Ya

Also picture of the day!!

So. Ya. I think that's it! 

I would love to do more buuuut internet could go at any second!
So see you tomorrow skittles!


;-; I'm disappointed in this post ;-;

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, Wattpad, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Wattpad: SpitFyreThePikachu
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday Friday!!

First off here is yesterday's since I couldn't have my electronics. .-.

Well today we had our propane tank switched out but then their truck got stuck in out septic tank .-. Yay..*sarcams intensifies* so that was intersting, like when I looked at the truck it was like leaning to the right [drivers point of view] .-.
So because of that I was a little bit late for practice but we didn't practice at all, we just messed around. 

Buuuut then I got in trouble because of stuff that I don't want to go into..  ;-;

I did start writting the first chapter of my rewrite. Yay! I also started drawing up character sketches! Yay!  I started my character. I drew her at the beginning of the story and I mean like right at the beginning, now I have to draw the next version of her :D  then I have to draw the two other characters! Yay! ^_^ my two amazing friends from the server! Oh I need to ask them about their characters..
Here's the main character!!
Not colored in but she has a purple fringe and red hair on the left side and blue on the right. :D

So ya. Now for today!! 

Well I got the tekkit launcher and got pixelmon and crazycraft! Ayayayayyaya!! Minecraft fun

Helped some friends pack bc there moving! Yay aha.

So idk what else to say so

Soft kitty~
Warm kitty~
Little ball of fur~
Happy kitty~
Sleepy kitty~
Put pur pur~

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, Wattpad, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Wattpad: SpitFyreThePikachu
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wednesday Equals Pool Day!

Ah ya! Fun day! I hope you wonderful skittles had a fun day to! 
Well hello! *waves*

So my day was fun! I got to go swimming with a couple of friends and hang out for a while. It was awesome! 

I started a new base on that one server that I have a love hate relationship with.. Ya..I'm gonna love the base though!

My really good minecraft friend (I mean really good *wink wink*) lives a ways away and it's like 'WHYYYY why do we have to live so far apart!!' ;-; so that's on my mind.. :3

He sent me this pic and it's amazing. :D
But ya he's really cool and amazing! 

On another thought! 
I haven't told you skittles about my stories have I?? Well I write stories on and ya. One of my stories, Endermen Ruin Everything, I'm going to be rewriting! Derp. And I'm thinking about using two awesome face friends from the server I play on! 
[AoK. Yesh. Ur gonna b in 1 of my stories :D]
My wattpad is SpitFyreThePikachu. { like everything else that I have accounts on >_> }
So if ya wanna check those out! ->

Okay I think that's all for tonight :3

Good night lovely skittles!! 

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, Wattpad, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Wattpad: SpitFyreThePikachu
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

It's Tuesday Again! *Heat of the Moment plays*

*Heat of the Moment playing in the background* It's Tuesday again 0-0 
[oh and any one get that reference!? COME ON! I know u do!]

Well anyways! Since I was in a not so happy mood earlier, here is the REAL post for today! Yay!! :D
So how's  it goooooing everyone!! 

My life is weird, I'm weird, my friends are weird yet magestic, my pets are weird[like they act weird a lot of the time], and I'm crazy.. Ya. IM SURROUNDED BY CHRISTIANS!!! AAAAHAHAAAAHAHAAAAA!! 
*trips down stairs and dies*
*Heat of the Moment plays* <Tuesday Restart>
*wakes up* it's Tuesday! Yay! <Time Skip* Time to write up my blog post!

Okay where was I oh ya I was screaming about Christians....I'm gonna leave this topic now..ya

His tail..his freaking tail! And his ears! Just HIM!! Hehehehe!
Why did I have to start another anime?
GAH Blue Exorcist is awesome! Hehehe 

Well I'm just kinda going crazy so ya have fun with this thingy ya. 

*jumps on a rainbow unicorn and rides to the rainbow filled land of OTP's*

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Not Really A Post..I'm Upset...

*screams and cries* They Blew Up My Base!! My Baby!! They blew up my precious base that I worked so hard on... ;-; my baby is's all gone..the guy that did it is a security member to.. And he was just being really really mean... ;-; [AoK] you know who I'm talking about right? Ya..*sniffs* I think I need a hug.. beautiful bedrock level base!!
;-; I'm in a depressed mood now..*starts crying again* 
    I just left, I'm done with that server forever or until that douche leaves...
 *sniffs* I don't know if I have anything else to say guys.. I think I'm gonna post this then take a shower, watch CaptainSparkles videos and talk to my bb...[<-- maybe shouldn't have said that. Oh well I don't give a crap anymore]

So later skittles....

*starts crying again* now I'm just sad in general!! ;-;

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Monday, June 16, 2014

I Have A Question! Oh & There May Be Some Rants Involved.

Hello lovely people of the interwebs!!!  
First off I have a question. If I started making minecraft videos, or just random videos, would you watch them?? Like I really want to know. Would you want to watch me play minecraft??

Okay first on the list done! 

Second! .-. [May be a bit of a rant. Sorry]
This one is a tricky one..(remember this is kinda my online journal..that everyone can see 0_0 I didn't think this through did I?) well some one in my life was kinda getting on my nerves today..I need to talk to cause things seem to be kinda going up and down at the moment and I don't know what to might have somthing to do with the complicated things that happened on Friday..I'm not sure. ._. 
But it's not the complications fault [I'm using 'the complication' in place of a certain persons name bc I don't what the someone to know even though they don't really read this at all] because I was already having some problems with the someone more or less, so ya..
*takes a deep breath* I think I'm done with my rant....

My life is crazy at the moment ;-; music would help but I don't have enough of the right type of music help me feel better..... {AoK can I have a hug? ;-;}

I want to add a picture but I don't know what I would use.. ;-; I really want to use certain pictures but at least several of of my friends would be like 'Da Heck!? Ew!' Trust me you would.. *glares at said friends* it's beautiful I don't understand how you could hate on it...well here's this I guess..
Ya I'm not really in a 'lol' mood at the moment, I'm in a more of 'Awwww my OTP just kissed!' Kinda mood...but like several of my friends *whispers especially my ex* would probably hate most of my OTP's because of who they are...*glares at said friends again* 
Okay nope can't deal with it gotta add this one!!
As possibly this one because ITS CANON!! I. Regret. Nothing. 
I Regret Nothing!! Torchwood is amazing and IDK AT YOU SAY SPENCER!! IT. IS. MAGICAL!!
 *cries* Ianto!!! Why did you have to die!!! *continues to cry and mutter somthing and Jack and Ianto*

Okay I'm done sorry..

Well I'm done for tonight. ;-;
I will see you skittles tomorrow.

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

I Regret Northing...

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bad Things Happened, Bad Things. But Also Happy Things!

*starts angrily crying* They blew up my freaking house!  It was awesome! And they blew it up! Why does life have to be so cruel!! Whyyyyy!?!? *punches the wall* Plus they were being really mean about it to! *curls up in a pile blankets and pillows* it started out as a great day, I logged out of the server for like an hour and when I came back my house was gone and there was this huge hole in the mountain where it used to be! *sniffs* 
[Attack on Kik...hug?? Plz?]

Okay okay *sniffs* we should move on..
So now idk what to say... Grr OH! OooOOOH! I started watching Blue Exocist! I love it!!!! And, And, AND!! SEASON SEVEN OF DOCTOR WHO IS NOW ON NETFLIX!!! *cheers* YAAAHOOOOO!!
This makes me oh so very happy!!

Okay okay I think I'm done for today. Ya
So I will aw you lovely skittles tomorrow!! *waves* 

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Somewhere Over The Rainbow...On A Hill Side..In Minecraft..

*Screams* AHHH EVERYTHING LOOKS WEIRD!! *relizes that this is the real world, not minecraft* OH okay.. Okay..this is normal..*takes a couple deep breaths* okay.. Anyways Hello people of the internet! How is the complicated place we call the world? 

Well have these little thingies!
Some Harry Potter and some Doctor Who!
Ya ^-^  dat SuperWhoLock doe!

Okay moving on.
HALF of my day GONE! Ya woke up at 12.. Derp. And then I just played minecraft.. For the rest of the day. :D

Oh and Attack on Kik.. Ya. Moving on

Minecraft! Minecraft is magestic! Hehehehe so much fun. 
PiNk FluFfY UnIcOrNs DaNcInG On RaInBoWs!! 
Piink Fluffy Uniicorn2 Danciing On Raiinbows!!
Pink Fluffy Unic0rns Dancing 0n Rainb0ws!
Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rain8ows!

OMG I'm sorry about that...

Anyways. This has to do with the tittle, today I found this BEAUTIFUL! Cliff and it's kinda indented and it was just begging me to make a house there so I did! And it's magestic.  I'm very happy with it! ^-^

I think this is a good sizes post so I think I'm gonna leave it at that!

So good night skittles!

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday! Friday!

Happy Friday! Only if it's just for like another hour then it's Saturday... :3
Anyways! Playing MC aww yeah!! Ya I made my skin more summery today! I love it now!! Yay!! Here! 

TeeHee!  My minecraft username is spitfyre13 by the way. 

The was a bunch of complicated stuff happening this evening.. Ya.. [[i know u may read dis..u know who u r. and plz know its all ok..its okay..]] so that was interesting and made my life get very complicated very quickly. Ya. So moving on.

Music makes everything better in my world. Ya...comlications..the music is helpin a little with that. So ya. <3

Well I'm not to sure of what else to say.. So ya and idk what little things to put in here so I guess that sentence is the little thing.. :) ya 

Okay well I think that's all skittles. Good night! *waves*

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~ Jenna

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

[hai ~(^-^)~]

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Adventure Time... O_O

Okay okay I am now 100% sure that the show Adventure Time is on crack...ya any one else watch the new episode Food Chain?
[these are the only good pics I could find since the episode is very new]

Crack I'm telling you, CRACK!!  O_O Don't do drugs...

Moving on from that... We filmed a skit for the show! YAY!! Now I have to edit it, once I learn how to...DERP!  X3   Our director sent me our little promo videos...I for some reason did not get them. :3

okay! I have to go work on the youtube channel now so..
    Good Night Skittles!! 

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!! ~Jenna

[sorry for the tiny little post :3]

You Can Contact Me On Skype, Kik, Instagram, Google+, Here, Twitter, and Tumblr!
Skype: SpitFyreThePikachu
Kik: SpitFyreThePikachu
Instagram: @SpitFyreThePikachu
Google+ : ya know..
twitter: @Jenna_Fyre
Tumblr: SpitFyrePlaysMC

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Another Wednessday

Hello! Hows it going friends!! *Does a cartwheel* yay!
I've been Nyanifying my plot on a creative Minecraft server! Hehehehe!
I was talking to my mc friend skull over skype and listening to Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows on repeat for 10 hours while nyanifying the plot.  :3
Ya :3
I was getting hyper just from listening to PFUDOR.
Okay okay ima gonna calm down now :3
I dont know what else to say.
Oh i got a kik so you can kik me at SpitFyreThePikachu .
Okay well im gonna go skittles! *waves*
When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!~Jenna

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

<Insert Title Here> <alt. title: Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing OnRainbows>

Good evening readers~
I love this, I love this very much...
*caugh "Doctor Who" cough* okay moving on now..

I rainbowfied my castle on a minecraft creative server this evening! Yay! I'm not finished adding rainbows to it yet thought, I still have to builder several more nyan cats around my plot and finish spreading rainbows everywhere! It's fun!! :D

😍 so. Many. Rainbows! It's magical!!

Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows~ Pink Fluffy Unicorns DaAancing On Rainbows!~ 
Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows~
Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows~Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows~
Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows~
PiNk FluFfY UnIcOrNs DaNcInG On RaInBoWs!! 
Piink Fluffy Uniicorn2 Danciing On Raiinbows!!
Pink Fluffy Unic0rns Dancing 0n Rainb0ws!
Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rain8ows!
*someone yells at me to stop and chucks a bucket at me* Pink Fluffy Uni- AAAAHHHH DUDE THATS GROSS!! NU BUCKETS!!  (Any one get that?? If ya do comment beeeelooow!)

*calms down* 
I'm sorry guys that was really weird... 
 Well that's all for today! Have a good night skittles!! 
              I LOVE YOU ALL!! 

[Art Not Mine!]

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!!~ Jenna

Monday, June 9, 2014

Start of the Week! [Party Mode Activate!]

Heeeeeeelloooooo People of the Internet!! *waves* I love you all!! *thows skittles up in the air* Since there is now a rainbow here I shall get down to business. *places hands on the table and stands up from my chair* I would think that you're all wondering why I have called you here tonight , but as I am also trying to figure that out we shall discover together! Yay! *opens a folder and scans over the page inside* Ah I see, okay. *straightens bow tie* This little blog of mine is kinda like an internet journal that everyone can see.. I would like to know what you think about that. What is your opinion of this blog thingamajigy? I honestly would love to know what you think about my blog! I don't even care if you rate it from somethin to another thing! I don't care really. *shrugs*

     [Important Announcement!]
  The Admin of This Page Would Like to Now Engage a Dance Party.
        {Party Mode Activate}

Please No Alcohol, We Dont Want A Repeat of What Happened Last  Time.

That Is All,Continue As You Please.

[Dance Party Shall Remain Till the End of Post]

WOooHoooo!! *dances around* okay okay! *steps out side* Let's finish so we can get back to the PARTAAAYYY!! So journal time.. Well nothing much but it. Is. HOT!  GAH I'm melting.. I watched The  Emperors New Groove this evening, haven't seen that movie in ages! I love it!
That's about it really.. So ya I'll see ya guys tomorrow! Or back in the party but who knows!
Later Skittles!! 
Now BACK TO THE PARTAAYY!! *runs back inside*

   [Dance Party Still in Session]        
  {All Night Party Mode Activate}

<I do NOT own those pictures. I found them on the internet! They belong to their rightful owners! Not me! Okay bye <3 >

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Hey guys! Hows it hangin?
I'm sorry I didn't post anything Friday or saterday.. I'm bad... Well at least it wasn't a whole week like last time. Well here's the update for Friday and Saturday before I go into today's update

Friday: So a couple of friends and I had our little end of the school year party which was hella fun! :D There was a lot of yelling, a couple speaker calls to my boyfriend, and craziness. Oh and midnight made cupcakes! :D

Saturday: well i actually woke up 2:00 p.m. crying.. ya i woke up crying cause i was crying in my dream, i don't know why I was but I was. That out of the way. I watched some SAO [Sword Art Online] which is really cool, messed around on instagram for a bit, and watched some Supernatural. >:] 

Okay that's about it for the past two days. ON TO TODAY!! There isn't much though.... Nuuuuu so have a picture!
Doctor Who!! OoOooooooEeeeeOooOooooooo!!

Oh I'm thinking about making a TARDIS ball gown :3 it's gonna be fantastic!

Well I'm done so I WILL see you skittles tomorrow!!

When Life Gives You Skittles, Chuck Them At People Yelling Taste The Rainbow!! ~Jenna